Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Lately, I've dropped Kai off late, and the kids are outside. Kai is shy...bites his coat sleeve...hides behind my leg...but it doesn't take much time until he ventures out from behind me, cautiously joins a group, tries to join in the play, tries to start up a conversation. I went inside the building today and observed for awhile, but I couldn't take the suspense. I was so afraid of rejection.
Had his first playdate with Zane today. Zane's younger sister, Lilly, is 14 mo. Zane and Kai are IN LOVE. Zane is the coolest little kid. As we were leaving today, he peeked his head into the kitchen and said, "Bye Raquel, thank you for serving such a delicious lunch!" This kid is Kai's age + 4 days! He's a sensitive one. As soon as we got to his house he dressed up in his peter pan costume. Kai was way more interested in the baby toys (a bit weird - I think it's because he likes toys that make noise and have lights) than Zane's Star Wars collection.
Nina today didn't want to get into her car seat so she grabbed my bangs and yanked them as hard as she could. This little one has an attitude.

this year and last

Sunday, December 20, 2009

Holiday spirit

Pictures: family in front of the Capitol's Christmas Tree; Nina in my favorite outfit; Kai typing up the Gingerbread Cookie recipe from Jan Brett's book to email to Nana; Kai being his preschool-silly self; and yesterday's Nina-nap-Kai-and-mommy-art projects.

Friday, December 18, 2009

We're back

New camera to replace the one I broke.
Highlights of the past few weeks: Kai has a best buddy at school, a really sweet kid named Zane. The other day Zane's dad told me that Zane cried and cried when he and Kai couldn't play outside after school because his dad picked him up late and we had already left. Zane is the kid that cries every afternoon waiting for his dad to come. He's sweet, fragile, yet rambunctious like Kai.
Nina's a stinker. Runs away from me every time I try to get her diapered or dressed, unless Kai sings abc's to her. She gets MAD. We're on night four of nightweaning her and it's getting easier but she'll scream for a few hours. She has lots of words - one of her first was bike. Bath, nurse, dog, banana, apple, cheese were also among the first. Still doesn't have Kai down, isn't calling him "ba" anymore either. Doesn't have the "k" sound mastered.
I realized recently that I'm no longer worried about Kai's physical actions toward Nina. We went through that rough patch in WI in November when he seemed to be trying to hurt her. No longer. He's very sweet. She, however, bites when she's mad and has broken his skin twice.
The long dark nights suck. We have a routine now though, Kai goes out on his bike and Nina in stroller or wagon (thanks, Fud!) nightly before dusk. Kai wears a little reflector vest and just tears up the pavement on those training wheels. If we stop and Kai hops off, Nina runs to his bike and puts on his helmet. And this city is beautiful. We take frequent drives to see xmas lights; when Nina sees any lights she says "Woooooooooooow!"
Just a quick clip of the kids in the tub. You can hear at the end the whiny voice Kai has picked up from preschool friends. You can see how Nina watches everything Kai does, and tries to take everything he has!

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Can't stop thinking about this


Makes my heart hurt.

(If link doesn't work, go to nytimes.com and search "lonely on the street where we live"

Sunday, November 29, 2009

around town

"I LOVE scrambled eggs. Whenever anybody asks me, 'Do you like scrambled eggs?' I'm going to say "Yes!" all the time."
Kai rode his bike all the way to McKinley Park today, Nina in the stroller. 70 degrees on Thanksgiving sunday, just gorgeous. We returned from WI to the peak of autumn color here.
Today Kai wanted to hang around the house in his pullups all day (another bout of constipation) and "We'll do science projects ALL DAY!"
We got back from the park and Rachel and Kai played in a huge leafpile for awhile. Rachel with her long, fuzzy, golden locks and her tie die shirt, overalls, and green rainboots. That child has a great spirit, a bit like Kai.
And Nina. My little rash-mouthed (pineapple smoothie), red-cheeked (fell off the carseat and banged her face on the wall), tired redhead. She loves to try to connect clips on carseats and booster chairs, stand on the stool and brush her teeth for a loooooooong time, and run around the house with different hats on. She loves the gingerbread cookies that Kai and Nana made. She threw a head-banging tantrum a few times today when I wouldn't "nuth" (nurse) her.
Missing y'all.

Nina dancing, Kai making gingerbread men with Nana and Dup. Had a great Thanksgiving week with our visitors; a Santa parade, a trip to the foothills, a few bike rides, some delicious meals, and several beautiful autumnal days. We're back to 2 on 2 this week. Yikes. It's been awhile.

Saturday, November 7, 2009

And more Kai-isms

"Who farts a lot?" Kai just asked. Hard to suppress a laugh. We don't use that word around here.
This morning Kai and Nate had a getting-ready-to-get-out-the-door battle. Kai said, "I'm EXASPERATED with daddy!"

Thursday, November 5, 2009

More Kai-isms

Posted at school:
What do you do when you want to let somebody know that you love them?
Kai's response: "I hug them and kiss them...and then I make a silly face!"

Stephanie expressed yesterday her disappointment that she won't be able to work with Kai for an additional year because we'll be moving. She said she loves working with Kai because he's a challenge. She said not only is his reading "amazing" but he can do math too - and when Kai's exuberance turns off the other kids she emphasizes these skills to the others. ("Well, children, Kai may be spinning around you instead of playing with you but boy, can he read!" I wonder if that works.)
She cautioned me about future problems in school. When I told Nate all of this, and said I think Kai is probably MORE than he was at the same age, Nate said, "They had to put me in a box!"
I love this school and think it's perfect for Kai. He's eating "organic fuel beans", he loves pesto pasta, he talks about feelings and emotions, and has still never said that he doesn't want to go to school in the morning.
That said, I don't like the whining that he picks up from other kids. Ugh. And I was upset the other day when he said, "Ansel and Jackson wouldn't let me play soccer with them." I wanted to say, "Well Ansel and Jackson are dumb jerks." But I didn't. And I was upset when he said yesterday, "Ansel said I'm a quitter." Again, gut reaction = "Ansel is a dolt." (I can imagine Kai's difficulty with the task at hand, which according to Kai was picking up rocks for some purpose I couldn't understand.)
The heartbreak is starting! With increased self-awareness comes confusion and hurt feelings and my heart aches just thinking about it. And it's just the beginning.
There was a posting at school with the kids' responses to the question, "How did you feel on Halloween?" For most kids it was, "I was scared." "I was a witch so I was grumpy." "I had fun." Kai's was, "I was really, really, really, really, really happy!" That about sums him up...I don't have to worry about his fragile heart yet.

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Happy Halloween!

Pictures of the neighborhood posse - Rachel, Georgie, Kai, Collin, Melody in the back; Collin's sister Elyse, AJ, and Nina in the front. We had a great time trick or treating, pulled Nina along in the wagon and she was content to work on opening up a box of jujyfruits the whole time.
Before trick or treating Nate's friend/colleague, Sammy, his wife Mili and their 12-mo-old son, Arjun, came over for pumpkin bread and beer. We all enjoyed the visit immensely. Very, very nice people.
Daylight savings ended today; Nina woke up at 6 which is now 5 - ouch - but she slept through the night without a peep.
Today Kai is obsessed with candy. The candy fairy is coming tomorrow night to swap all of his candy for a toy. Whew.

Friday, October 30, 2009

Wednesdays in Davis

Kai's last trip up the rock wall at the Davis Wednesday Farmer's Market - closing for the winter season. (Note new haircut. Ugh.)
Kai at gymnastics in his halloween costume. I love that part of class, it cracks me up every time I see it.

Sunday, October 25, 2009

It's 10:00 PM. Kai and Nate are on the couch watching football - a dream for Nate!
We have a love/hate relationship with the nights when Kai can't get to sleep. Only at these times can we really have focused moments with Kai, and we cherish them. Some of my favorite most hezellig memories are of the times when Kai has come back down to play after bedtime.
So they're cuddling on the couch as I relive our weekend...driving around East Sac on Friday night to look at Halloween decorations...coming back to the car after a quick grocery run after said drive to find the kids fast asleep in the backseat...taking the kids to the pumpkin patch today, but taking a 1-hr detour into Amador Cty wine country as they snoozed...admiring Kai's attempts to break the ice with kids in the hay wagon at the pumpkin patch by telling jokes (Why did the chicken cross the road?")...vision of my precious little bleary-eyed redhead, carried into the Halloween party by my beautiful husband as Kai and I were just heading out the door...the hurt look and most real tears I've ever seen on Kai's face as he fended off the rule police at the party (aka 5-year-old band of girls)...Kai's joy the first time he tried on his pitcrew costume...watching Kai tenderly hold Nina for the photo at the UC Davis RSA halloween party...Nina's attempts to mimic Kai while painting on our lanai on a beautiful sunday morning...tasting persimmons off of the neighbor's tree while on a wagon walk with Jin, Rachel, Georgie and Kai...admiring the way Nate can find activities to do that engage both kids at once...
Life is good.

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Wow. Kai is so excited to be Lightning McQueen's pit crew this Halloween, he keeps thanking me for buying it for him. It brings us to tears!
And we're getting three years out of this Devil costume - Nina fits the bill. The three of us were cuddling on Kai's bed today when she yanked Kai's hair, then mine, then laughed. Kai and I had a hard time suppressing a laugh as well. And a few minutes ago she bit my leg through my cords. Ouch. My little red-headed diablito.
We just got back from our first Halloween party...another party in the 'hood tomorrow.

Friday, October 23, 2009

Can't stop thinking about little T, and his tired mom and dad. And our very best friends in New Orleans.
And the kiddos. Wow, was it good to see them when we got back. They were awaiting us at 10:30 PM the night we returned. I can't stop kissing them.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Nina's new sweater

Thank you, Fran!!!!!!!!

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

We've been busy since Mom and Dad left. Our trip to Apple Hill Orchards was incredible. An hour from here is a cooperative of 50+ independently-owned orchards. We hit three - one for doughnuts and cider, Kai's favorite; the second to pick some tiny and crisp golden delicious apples and pumpkins from the patch on a small organic farm; the third to run around the hills and cornmaze and to see farm animals - Nina's favorite. The drive was so gorgeous that on saturday after Kai's soccer game (note: forgot Kai's shoes. Nate felt horrible. Got to soccer with 5 minutes left in the game. Kai didn't care. Played with the other soccer kids at the park - played pirates. Nina tried to join in. Very cute.) we packed up the car and headed east again. Took a long drive into El Dorado National Forest, got out to hike a few times, and watched the sunset on the way home. Sunday I took the kids for a bikeride along the American River; five minutes into the ride, "I'm hungry, Mom." "I'm tired." It's amazing how Kai can sit on a bike, motionless, when he's never motionless on the ground! He does a great job on the bike. Took a big dig while chatting up some nice men on the trail, see picture for wound near neck. Freaked us both out when the handlebar slowly dug into the tender flesh on his sternum as he slowly fell to the ground. Ow. Sunday afternoon we discovered the Davis arboretum. Will definitely take the kids there again, next time with Kai's bike. Kai was so excited to see a little boy climbing a tree that he RAN down the path, over the bridge to join him. Ximenes was a lot like Kai in looks (robed in Hannah Andersson) and energy. Kai dragged Nina over to Ximenes to introduce Nina ("This is my little sister, Nina, N-i-n-a.) They chirped and ran and climbed then suddenly Ximenes was off on his bike and his dad was running to follow him. Nina's favorite part: the ducks.

And here we are with a few days to go until we leave for nola and leave the kids in the hands of nana and dup. Nina's still waking at night but usually needs only a pat in the butt from Nate to fall back asleep. Both kids have colds now, hopefully they'll recover by saturday. I'm nervous about leaving Nina...

Kai is determined to be Lightning McQueen for Halloween. Not only are the two costumes available for purchase UGLY, but due to the fact that mom made almost all or our costumes growing up (I loved being a gypsy...and a playing card...I do remember some store-bought masks though , the heat and the sweat and the plastic smell) I'm really resistant to buying one anyway. So we're going to try to make one. If we start early enough we have time to recover.

Nina LOVES crayons, markers, paintbrushes. Check out how this girl can hold a crayon already.

Started gymnastics in Davis on monday. Kai loved it. It's amazing how much difference a year has made in his ability to focus and follow directions. Kai towers over the other predominantly asian kids in his class. Teacher was impressed with his lack of fear and ability to flip over the low bar.

Yesterday I was dancing with the kids to music from our TV. Artist was Fat Joe. I was holding a kid in each arm, Kai said, "Fat Joe!...Fat Breast!" and pounded on my boob. Ugh.

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Nina's first trip to the Apple Orchard

Took the kids to a few apple orchards yesterday in the foothills. Nina munched on apples in the grass, but didn't eat nearly as many as Kai did on his first trip to the apple orchard (see picture, Kai in blue sweatshirt exactly the same age as Nina).

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Back to "normal"

Mom and Dad left a few days ago and as always I was nervous about handling these two energizer bunnies on my own again. But as always it's easier than I'd anticipated. It's so nice to have a clean lanai - thanks to mom and dad, who scrubbed and carpeted and cleaned for hours so the kids would have a comfy playroom. We spend most of our time out there, especially if Nina gets her way. She just loves being outside, more than I remember from Kai's early days.
Last night the kids ate dinner out back...I ran in to grab something and came out in time to see Nina ON TOP OF the patio table on hands and knees with Kai's SHARP FORK trying to eat his dinner. This girl climbs anything and everything, can't leave her out of my sight. And, as mom said, I should be less worried about Nina hurting herself and more worried about Kai hurting Nina. He's been a bit aggressive with her lately, but she can usually hold her own. She's got attitude! Really. She bites, hits, paws, claws if she really wants something (like the computer...or my wallet...or the keys...or a toothbrush).
Kai still seems to love school, doesn't fight it ever, not even once while Meece and Fud were here. Brings home some kind of artwork every day, and comes home pretty dirty from playing outside. When I arrive to pick him up it's quiet visiting time, and he isn't usually ready to leave. His best buddy I think is his teacher's son, Devin, who this morning said, "Hi, Pie!" and they both cracked up.
This sense of self-awareness that Kai is experiencing is kind of sad for me to observe. The other day I dressed him (Nina picks out her clothes; Kai doesn't) and he said, "This doesn't look cool, Mom. The shirt is too long." But in typical Kai fashion he forgot about it within seconds. At the park the other day some older girls were kind of mean to Kai; he wanted to play with them and was innocently chasing them and doing whatever they were doing. They said, "Stop copying us!" "You can't play with us!" But he persisted, more like his dad and less like his mom, and pretty soon the girls were allowing him to run along with them. (A grandpa said, "He screams like a girl!" What a prick. I wanted to hit him. Kai was oblivious.)
The highlight of Mom and Dad's visit was Yosemite. We all felt so invigorated and alive. Our cabin was just perfect, beautiful, quiet, and right outside of the park. We hiked in a sequoia grove the first afternoon, the next we visited the Valley, saw the major sights of interests, ended the day with a hike up to Sentinel Dome. Kai wanted to go all the way, but we were warned all the way up that it was too windy and cold for him. So he almost made it and we kind of fooled him into thinking he did the whole thing.
I'm home with Nina this morning, no work from Michigan this week so canceled the babysitter. I wish every day were like this. Kai woke up early enough so we didn't have to rush to school; I got to go to the coffeeshop and sit outside with Nina; she gets to nap in her crib! And I get some one-on-one time with her, which rarely happens. I'm mourning the fact that she's almost weaned from night feedings. Mom took on the task of rocking her last week, the first night was awful and there is no way I would have let the crying persist if we weren't going to NOLA next week. But after that first night, with the exception of a bad cry here and there, she's doing great. Waking up just once in the night for a snuggle/rock or pat on the buns.
The past two nights Kai has incredibly fallen asleep while reading bedtime stories with Nate. Here's a picture.

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Monday, September 28, 2009

Forgot about this...Kai-isms

Kai spilled a bit of his juice...and said, "I didn't spill the juice, it's just floating on my knee."
We have a problem with Kai sitting in his chair at mealtime. He fell out of his chair while performing dinner table gymnastics. He said, "I was sitting perfectly, and the chair just tipped over."
We picked Kai up at school today; he was reading on a cot with his partner, Jackson. He told us he was reading, "Plant Life Cycles". On the way home, we asked him what the book was about. He said it was about flowers. Mom asked him if the book taught him that flowers start with seeds. He said, "Yep, and soil." He was truly reading this book, we were watching him for several minutes as he read aloud, quietly. Kelly said she thinks he'll do fine with partner quiet time, he's just a "whatever" kind of kid she said.
Talked about babies in school - what they do. Kai responded with what they DO NOT do. They don't climb rocks or walls.
Listened to Somewhere Over the Rainbow in the car, he said sweetly: "Junie used to sing this to me."

Meecie and Fud still here!

Got to spend Meecie's 59th birthday in Monterey Bay at the Hyatt. We had a great time at the hotel, especially swimming with Kai, and everybody loved the Monterey Bay Aquarium. Meecie's birthday presents were presented to her in the form of a warmer-colder game in the hotel room, but Kai keeps secrets as well as he plays hide-and-seek so he hid them and then said, "Here it is, Meecie!"
Fud woke up after hardly sleeping the night before, in a double bed with Kai sandwiched between him and Meecie. He said that Kai ran 8 miles in the night. He said, "...And the coup de gras was the Mexican man talking on the silly, stupid radio all morning!" Kai loved the sound of that, asked Fud to repeat himself at least a dozen times, and now repeats it for us verbatim.
Nina says a lot; she's a great mimicker both in sound and in expression so she'll be an early talker. She is so, so, so cuddly with Meece and Fud, lots of snuggles and hugging Fud's legs and burying her head into shoulders. She is loving the hats that GG sent her. She puts one on, takes it off, and over and over. Also loves getting dressed; loves shoes.
While playing Nemo (Kai is still into this, "I thought we were playing Nemo" out of the blue...doesn't require a whole lot of energy but we have to be in character while we talk) in the car, Kai as Nemo said, "I love school. I love Great Beginnings." When asked about his favorite part, he said playing outside. I was relieved to hear that.
What else...at the aquarium we went to a presentation in the auditorium. The moderator asked if anybody had questions...Kai, close to the front, raised his hand and said, "I, um, I saw, um, I saw the biggest fish in the world! It was a puffer fish!"
In the hottub he asked the adults across the tub, "Could you move please?" so he could swim over. Introduces himself to any and every kid, always saying, "My name is Kai, K-A-I, Kai." and then will say, "Do you wanna play?" Sometimes they take the bait. More often than not they are older and giggle. Kai just rolls with it.
SO, dear Sara, here are pictures. Kai in red socks - his favorite color - at soccer. Not looking like the coolest kid, but definitely the funkiest. Nina in her first barrette - freaks her out. And birthday gal with dad and kids in Monterey.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Meecie and Fud come to visit!

Meecie and Fud came to visit on Saturday, just after Kai's first soccer game at Land Park and just before his first Sac birthday party for his neighborhood buddy, Collin. It was a busy day; Kai was thrilled to sleep with Meecie in the office as Fud took over Kai's bed and bunked with Nina. Sunday we took off to San Fran for the day while Nate stayed home to study. We hit Golden Gate park first, followed by a drive by the ocean, down Lombard, and to the public market in the Ferry Building. Kai had a rough afternoon, very tired, and said, "I don't want to do nothing. I just want to go home and watch something with paci. Now! NOT the market! I want to go home NOW!" This lasted until Grandpa said, "We'll buy you something at the market, Kai." Bribery works well with Kai. He got a delicious blood orange sorbet from Ciao Bella. (He also said, "I want to plug my mouth with paci." Time to wean the kid.)
Monday and Tuesday Kai spent mornings at school; Fud made our backyard look just beautiful; Kai went to Rocknasium to climb in Davis; Kai went to Cloudy with a chance of meatballs with grandma and grandpa; Nina has words for them "Gpa and Gma", or something like that.
Today Nina's sitter, Lydia Schutter, started. Kai is thrilled when I pick him up from school, he seems to thoroughly enjoy it. Yesterday they made stirfry for their snack. Kai said, "I don't like Chinese food. I like California food. Kid's food."
The day before they made pretzel dough.
The picture of Nina is her first attempt at fingerpainting. The picture of Kai is a nightime tickle with Nate.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

big day

Kai woke up wednesday and decided to poop on the potty all by himself, no prodding from me. We considered it a bday gift to Nana. This meant of course the promised trip to ToysRUs - it's all over now - for a toy. We entered the parking lot and Kai said, "Wow! A lot of people pooped on the potty today!" He pretty quickly picked out a cheapie little Cars toy, even after I offered to buy him a trampoline. The trip to TRU was followed by Wee Wednesday, an art class for kids at the Crocker Art Museaum. Kai wasn't in the mood for it, and he let me know by running in the hall, touching the paintings, smearing hands all over the glass even though the curator had just told him to "look with your eyes, not with your hands." Oy vey. A little 3yo was helping me police him. After looking at a few paintings we went downstairs and did an art project with oil crayons and gold paint - a really sweet, beautiful project that unfortunately was not really up Kai's alley. After a few minutes of pounding on the paper and slapping paint all over he said, "It's complete! It's complete! I'm ready to go."
Poor kid just wanted to go home and play with his new toy.
School was great; Kai told me on the way there "Don't drop me off! Don't drop me off!" But when I did he just took off exploring. When I got there after an hour to pick him up he was trying on roller skates and had paint all over his clothes.
Nina loves to go outside, it's one of many of her words.
She chose what she wanted to wear today - shook her head no to something I got out of the drawer and pointed to what she wanted - her blue/floral one-piece H.A. outfit from nana and dup. She's got good taste.
She just put Kai's underwear on her head and paraded around as if it was a hat.
We went to the park today during Kai's hour at preschool; she loves to climb, swing is OK but she prefers to climb and threw a little fit when I didn't let her go down the big slide by herself.
Kai still gets a hot tummy when he doesn't feel well. Day four of school and he already has a green-snot cold. Nina's next I'm sure.
Now it's Friday - one more moon! Yesterday was another hour at school - he didn't want to leave - followed by a trip downtown to the library, a bit of downtime at home, then a swim lesson followed by a trip to the soccer store to buy some shin guards. You'll see in the picture how much he likes his new shin guards. The video is a bit of the kids on the lanai last night, we had just seen a flock of birds fly by and Nina was quite excited about it. Kai was spinning around with a very large broom, pretending he was...I'm not quite sure.
There was a moment yesterday when I was writing this, and it was absolutely quiet. I tiptoed around the house to see what my babies were doing. Nina was on the lanai, sitting very still, just staring at the trees. Kai was laying on his bedroom floor, reading.
Right now it's 7:30 in the morning and Kai and Nina and Nate are all reading on the couch. Sweet way to start the day.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Monday...first day of preschool! Kind of. Just 3o minutes with Nina and I there hanging out. He was fine; I was nervous. Not feeling all warm and fuzzy but hopefully it's just my nerves. I'm so afraid that they won't realize how special my child is. All the other kids seemed like zombies, where was the spark? Will Kai lose some of his spark in that setting? He was climbing the trees and he was in the mood to jump over every gate rather than walk through...yeah, he woke up with an attitude on monday. They didn't notice though.
Tuesday - today, our second day, Kai walked in and sniffed and wrinkled up his nose at the smell of an elementary school cafeteria. However, at this school the former Sac Coop employee drives up in her little moped with her daily purchase of organic fruits, veggies, and dairy, a cute woman with tattoos and piercings. He thought pee-ew but luckily said nothing. Today he spent our 1/2 hour inside, and it's amazing to see how he independently moves area to area, but gets into a groove immediately with other kids. He served himself a snack - poured himself juice and grabbed handfuls of goldfish, and was quite proud. A little girl asked him to write his name, then when he paused for a sec she offered to write a K for him. It was real cute. He loved that and kept talking about it. "Yeah. Yeah. We were nice to each other. Me and that girl, yeah. Yeah."
Went to B&N storytime after and darn it, Mr. Steve wasn't there, just a poor young girl with no talent for corraling preschoolers who were running all over the place. Kai read, and read, and read. Halloween, Shel Silverstein, Backyardigans books...
Then, the highlight, SOCCER! He was the only kid registered in his class so Kai with two coaches - now he knows the world DOES revolve around him! Yes! Kai stayed on for the next class, in which a little 4-year-old boy Roman and Ivy, 2.5, enjoyed running around together. The coach was awesome, and Kai had so much fun. Played in the playground after and then took my sweaty-headed kids to Jamba Juice for a delicious citrusy smoothie. Nina had her own and devoured it; I couldn't take any of it away without a blood curdling scream.
Came home to find a resident's spouse on our doorstep chatting with Nate; she knew we lived just a block down from her and she brought her 14-month-old daughter - Kaia! - to visit. She was really nice, hopefully we'll be friends.
Nina fell asleep on Nate's lap in the living room with all lights on tonight. Kai played with us after she dropped down; he's still obsessed with role play, tonight we once again played Cars. He dropped quickly after the torso-twisting, leg curling, buttocks in the air, try-for-an-hour poop.
Four moons.

Monday, September 14, 2009

Wonderful weekend

Fantastic weekend. It rained saturday morning and was overcast all day sat and sun. With weather like this, I could love it here. Took the kids to the American River pathway, Kai rode his bike while I pushed Nina in the jogging stroller. Finally, with the cooler air we could smell what I remember California smelling like - luscious eucalyptus and the most sweet, fragrant flowers. I kept exclaiming, "Smell that! Can you smell that? It smells delicious!" And Kai said, "Can we eat it?"
We rode across a pedestrian bridge to the other side of the river where Kai tried to climb a few trees - he's always on the lookout for a climbable tree. We made our way to a little playground, played for an hour or so, then rode back. We went to the Davis hands-on museum in the afternoon which doesn't hold a candle to Ann Arbor's, but we enjoyed an hour there.
Sunday Nate worked, the kids and I didn't leave the house until 3. Our destination was a hike from a book I bought with 15 urban hikes around Sacramento. We chose a hike not knowing it was near the airshow, so we had quite an amazing view of thunderbirds circling us but it was also way too loud for Kai. We stayed and played on what may be the best playground in the area, but after 45 minutes Kai had a meltdown from the noise so we left without hiking. We'll return.
The highlight of the weekend for Kai was joining his buddies last night for biking up and down the sidewalk. They were all out - Georgie (3, who reminds us so much of Cole), Rachel (5), Melody (5), AJ (2), Alyce (2.5) and Collin (5). It was quite a scene. Kai and Rachel are kindred spirits, and rode up and back and up and back...Nina chased after the kids and tried to grab wheels and pedals.
Pictures are Kai after his neighborhood ride last night, and Nina watching Kai put on his shoes. She loves shoes almost as much as she loves hats.
Nina's new words, "Oh wow!" Also practicing, "Noooooooooooooooo!" She says book and knows most animal sounds.
Kai was so great all weekend, not a single timeout, I never yelled at him, he never sassed at me, and he was very cuddly and affectionate. I think it makes sense that he's not as well behaved when Nate's around, because he has to compete for my attention. Last night he whispered, "I'm sorry for being mean to you, mom." I said Kai, you've been great all weekend, you don't need to say sorry for anything. Then he sweetly said, "I'm sorry for not picking up the letters and the legos." (This was the cause of a huge eruption and standstill several days ago when I wouldn't play with him and we wouldn't leave the house til he cleaned up those toys, major Kai powertrip. It was awful.)
Nate had a very tough week and weekend, we miss him. But as hard as he works, he always makes time to take the kids outside to play before dinner, to bathe them, and to read to them before bed. Not many other dads do that, here or in Dexter. He rocks our world.

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Fairytale town

Kai was thrilled to get an invitation in our mailbox to Collin's 5th birthday party next weekend.
Went to Georgie and Rachel's backyard last night for a quick visit at dusk, the kids climbed the cherry tree, Kai enjoyed eating cherry tomatoes off their vine.
Took the kids to fairytale town yesterday, they both loved it. Kai wanted to play Peter Pan - I was Wendy, he was Peter, Ninsies was Tinkerbell. In the afternoon took the kids out back to frolic in the water but didn't last too long because it was 100 degrees and the concrete is so hot, and we were being pestered by a scary bee. It's supposedly raining this morning, the first since we moved and no more rain in sight.
And I found a sitter! The wife of a resident looking for extra cash. Lydia is very sweet, and her mom's name is Nina!
The video clip is Nina's favorite perch.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Shiners and sprinklers

(Pictures of Kai are all a motion blur, you'll have to settle for more Nins...)
Trying not to feel guilty about Kai. Argh! We're not handling this right. The best parenting advice I've ever gotten was from Rebecca, who told me it's never too late to change the way you parent. That little nugget saves me. Today was one of those days for Kai - one of many lately - when he can't focus on the task at hand for more than 1 minute. I should have grabbed him every 5 minutes and had an intense tickle fight. Or taken him to the park all morning. Or forced him out of the house for a long bike ride. Instead, Nina napped and Kai and I struggled.
We had some fun. Kai is into Uno, played that. Went to an amazing place called Art Beast which is essentially a hands-on museum for the arts. Kai had his 4th YMCA swim lesson and he's getting pretty darn good at the back float. (Nina is MAD that she isn't in the water!)
If you could have seen my little cherub Kai today, dressed up in a much-too-small-Winnie-the-Pooh costume, dressed in yellow fuzz from head to knees, asking anybody around if they would be Tigger to his Pooh. All you could see was his eyes to chin and shin to foot. Heartbreaking. One little girl came up to me with the Tigger costume and said, "You'll have to be Tigger for him. I have to go."
We got to the Y and the Gentilly born-and-bred gal commented on his NOLA Hornets t-shirt (always representing). Instead of breaking into the lineup he said, "Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. My dad, he watches the new orleans hornets all the time. And I played Pooh at Art Beast."
Nina bonked her head hard on the corner while I was on the phone. Then at Art Beast she took a terrifying tumble down the stairs while I was trying to wipe dirt off of Kai's smelly cheese stick. (I have a love-hate relationship with cheese sticks - can't live with 'em can't live without 'em.)
The night ended with romping through the sprinkler with Nate. Nina is a bit afraid of the sprinkler, as you'll see in the clip.
The other day Kai said to me, "I miss Michigan."
He also said, "No, YOU clean it up!" and "Nina did it!" and "You love me even when I'm naughty." Heck yeah.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Finally, the kitchen

Nate and I stayed up until almost midnight last night putting the kitchen together. I think they like it. Here's a picture of the two upon hearing there was a surprise waiting for them.
Our labor day weekend ended with an active day - first trip on the Sacramento River trail, we're going to have to bike with Kai now that he cruises so fast. And it was Nina's first time in the backpack; I liked having her close to me again, missing the bjorn.
Nate took Kai to a park later in the day, where he met some older girls who played soccer with him. Then Nate took him to the last day at McKinley Park pool, where Kai certainly asserted himself in line for the diving board.
Today we lolly gagged around the house after taking Nate to work. We went to the best story hour in town at Barnes and Noble...Mr. Steve was hilarious, and Kai was THRILLED that Mr. Steve read KnuffleBunny and some other Mo Willems books. (In addition to Kitten's First Full Moon!) It was very participatory and Kai did the most interacting with Mr. Steve. When Mr. Steve started to read a book that Kai wasn't excited about, he went to the shelf and grabbed some stuffed animals and started to try to interrupt by shoving them at Mr. Steve. Yikes! But he didn't push it too far. Nina wandered around picking things off of the shelf and trying to climb the benches. After the story hour Kai read to himself for more than an hour. Unfortunately he wants to read mostly books about characters he sees on TV. Ugh. I would love to throw that thing out the window.
He had his second YMCA swim lesson, poor Nina is almost impossible to contain she wants to go in the water so bad while watching him. Later in the evening, we rode the bike/pushed stroller to the hospital to pick up Nate but when we got there found out he had to stay later - Kai was very sad. Lots of guys in green scrubs wandering around, and Kai often thought he saw daddy (or daddy's friends). He looks so darn cute on that bike, rides so tall and proud, and wearing that flaming red helmet - gets lots of smiles. Rode home and Nate suprised us just a few minutes later. Here's a picture Nina as we were getting ready to go out for the ride.
Nina up three times in the night...again...poor Kai stirs every time. In the middle of the night he practically does somersaults in the bed trying to get comfortable. Or find water. Or paci. It's crazy.
Kai is really into imaginary play these days. We'll be hanging out and suddenly he'll say, chin down with a half-grin, "I thought we were playing Cars." Or he'll say, "Let's play Max and Ruby without the guys." It'll come out of nowhere. I wish I was more into the imaginary play thing, it'll be nice when Nina can join in. All day yesterday I was Mater, Nina was King, and Kai was Lightning McQueen.
Not sure what the day has in store for us, but I'm getting SAD that I have to share these kids soon with school and sitter.

Monday, September 7, 2009

Meeting new friends and a roadtrip to Napa Valley

Labor Day weekend and we get Nate for three days. He needed a day to study, so yesterday I tired the kids out at the "teacup park" and then we road tripped to Yountville via Highway 128. It was a gorgeous drive, and I was glad Kai woke up in the middle of it so I had somebody to share the views with. Lake Berryessa was breathtaking; Kai woke up just in time to see it and while still half asleep said, "It's the Island of Sodor!" He loves the twists and turns of California backroads and loves going up and up and up and up. We came home and the kids ate dinner on our back patio. Saturday we went to the Davis farmer's market, where we indulged in fresh figs and fresh orange juice, Kai played in the playground and Nina stared at dogs. Saturday night we enjoyed an evening with the Belnaps and Kai and Nina played joyfully with their four kids. Nina loved having stairs again and spent a lot of her time climbing up and - I think - trying to fall down a few. Kai loved scooting around the backyard with different helmets on his head.
Nina can now fit into the beautiful dress Jenni Jackson made for Nina. Here it is.

Friday, September 4, 2009

lessons learned

Guys in nba jerseys - even if the jersey is a cp3 hornets jersey - riding bikes to trader joes on friday nights aren't the guys you want to take home to mama.
"Hey, CP3, we're big Chris Paul-New Orleans Hornets fans!"
Reply: "Hey, I love your spice!"
Me, confused. He continues:
"Your freckles, like cinnamon, beautiful spice, I love that spice."
Hmmm...better places to make friends I guess.

But I returned to a bleary-eyed post-nap baby Nina, tired from our day at Old Sacramento where Kai obsessed over candy stores but we all had fun at the railroad museum. Nina freaked out over the horses she saw there; Kai really, really wanted to play somebody else's flute.

Just now, from bathroom where Nate is bathing kids:
"Did you just put that in your butt? Did you?! Sit up! Sit up!"

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Kai talkin'

Nina and I sitting on Kai's old crib mattress, Kai tumbling over the side rail, talking, upside down, IN MY FACE: "Did you KNOW that tadpoles turn into frogs?! Did you KNOW that?" When asked what they eat, "They eat cattails...and TADPOLB food!" (remember how he used to say meatballb instead of meatballs?!)

Blogging from Sacto

Into September already and it's still 100 degrees before noon. Nina ate a whole nectarine today and has had five dirty diapers. Visited yet another park in Sacramento today...a few other kids in the playground and Kai was psyched until they left. Then he started bullying the toddlers so we didn't stay long; just long enough for Nina to get a big red sore on her chin. Came home and Kai did potato stamping and painting which meant he stamped and painted himself, and I kept Nina occupied with a paintbrush and applesauce on her highchair tray. Feeling like I need a mantra or daily affirmation to stay patient with Kai. Leave him in the bathroom to poop and he squirts out all the toothpaste or unrolls all the floss or pulls the towel rack out of the wall. Leave him in the bedroom for a timeout and he rolls Nina's crib across the room (scratch scratch the floors) or does dangerous flips over his old crib, or yanks on the blinds til they fall down. Leave him out in the living room while I put Nina down for a nap - wow! He's been reading to himself quietly for almost a half-hour (this is after all watching and treats were taken away for the day because he...I don't remember now what he did!). But oh how I do love this little tornado. Yesterday went to farmer's market in Davis and he fearlessly scaled the rockclimbing wall to the top several times, his tan little calves shaking and his hair wet with sweat, cheeks brilliant red. Followed by a trip through the market where he couldn't keep his hands off the samples and ended up dumping out the melon, then shared his lemonade with Nina which ended up all over her shirt. A band played Route 66, which he knows from Cars, and he kept shouting for more Cars songs. Asked me if we could be in that band someday.