Monday, September 28, 2009

Meecie and Fud still here!

Got to spend Meecie's 59th birthday in Monterey Bay at the Hyatt. We had a great time at the hotel, especially swimming with Kai, and everybody loved the Monterey Bay Aquarium. Meecie's birthday presents were presented to her in the form of a warmer-colder game in the hotel room, but Kai keeps secrets as well as he plays hide-and-seek so he hid them and then said, "Here it is, Meecie!"
Fud woke up after hardly sleeping the night before, in a double bed with Kai sandwiched between him and Meecie. He said that Kai ran 8 miles in the night. He said, "...And the coup de gras was the Mexican man talking on the silly, stupid radio all morning!" Kai loved the sound of that, asked Fud to repeat himself at least a dozen times, and now repeats it for us verbatim.
Nina says a lot; she's a great mimicker both in sound and in expression so she'll be an early talker. She is so, so, so cuddly with Meece and Fud, lots of snuggles and hugging Fud's legs and burying her head into shoulders. She is loving the hats that GG sent her. She puts one on, takes it off, and over and over. Also loves getting dressed; loves shoes.
While playing Nemo (Kai is still into this, "I thought we were playing Nemo" out of the blue...doesn't require a whole lot of energy but we have to be in character while we talk) in the car, Kai as Nemo said, "I love school. I love Great Beginnings." When asked about his favorite part, he said playing outside. I was relieved to hear that.
What the aquarium we went to a presentation in the auditorium. The moderator asked if anybody had questions...Kai, close to the front, raised his hand and said, "I, um, I saw, um, I saw the biggest fish in the world! It was a puffer fish!"
In the hottub he asked the adults across the tub, "Could you move please?" so he could swim over. Introduces himself to any and every kid, always saying, "My name is Kai, K-A-I, Kai." and then will say, "Do you wanna play?" Sometimes they take the bait. More often than not they are older and giggle. Kai just rolls with it.
SO, dear Sara, here are pictures. Kai in red socks - his favorite color - at soccer. Not looking like the coolest kid, but definitely the funkiest. Nina in her first barrette - freaks her out. And birthday gal with dad and kids in Monterey.


  1. Happy Birthday to Marcie -- we thank her for having a reason to have TWO martinis last night (one for us, one for her!) Love to all of you over there in CA -- enjoy, enjoy! Keep telling us these wonderful details, Steph. AND posting the photos!

  2. Thanks for the posts! The red socks absolutely make Kai the coolest kid. What Mexican?
