Friday, December 18, 2009

We're back

New camera to replace the one I broke.
Highlights of the past few weeks: Kai has a best buddy at school, a really sweet kid named Zane. The other day Zane's dad told me that Zane cried and cried when he and Kai couldn't play outside after school because his dad picked him up late and we had already left. Zane is the kid that cries every afternoon waiting for his dad to come. He's sweet, fragile, yet rambunctious like Kai.
Nina's a stinker. Runs away from me every time I try to get her diapered or dressed, unless Kai sings abc's to her. She gets MAD. We're on night four of nightweaning her and it's getting easier but she'll scream for a few hours. She has lots of words - one of her first was bike. Bath, nurse, dog, banana, apple, cheese were also among the first. Still doesn't have Kai down, isn't calling him "ba" anymore either. Doesn't have the "k" sound mastered.
I realized recently that I'm no longer worried about Kai's physical actions toward Nina. We went through that rough patch in WI in November when he seemed to be trying to hurt her. No longer. He's very sweet. She, however, bites when she's mad and has broken his skin twice.
The long dark nights suck. We have a routine now though, Kai goes out on his bike and Nina in stroller or wagon (thanks, Fud!) nightly before dusk. Kai wears a little reflector vest and just tears up the pavement on those training wheels. If we stop and Kai hops off, Nina runs to his bike and puts on his helmet. And this city is beautiful. We take frequent drives to see xmas lights; when Nina sees any lights she says "Woooooooooooow!"
Just a quick clip of the kids in the tub. You can hear at the end the whiny voice Kai has picked up from preschool friends. You can see how Nina watches everything Kai does, and tries to take everything he has!

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